This information is only applicable to the professional accounts.

Zoom integration

This integration aims to give our registered professionals the ability to schedule meetings with their patients. All within the environment of our website.

For proper operation you must have a Zoom account and authorize our integration.

Once the integration is authorized, you can, if you wish, revoke the permissions at any time.

If you don’t already have a Zoom account, you can open one here.

Our integration does not save personal information from your Zoom account beyond the authorization token, which is updated when necessary and deleted upon request.


To authorize the integration you must go to your user profile to the “Meeting” tab. In this tab you will see an “Authenticate to Zoom” button. By clicking on it you will be redirected to the Zoom website where you may grant permission to our integration.

It is very simple to check the status of the authorization, if you can see the “Disconnect” button and the toolbar that allows you to manage your meetings, it is because the authorization is valid.

Clicking on the “New meeting” button will open a modal where you can enter the basic data of your meeting:

  • Topic – Mandatory – Topic about the meeting.
  • Description – Otcional – Description of the meeting.
  • Date – Mandatory – Day in which the meeting will take place.
  • Hour – Mandatory – Hour in which the meeting will take place.
  • Timezone – Mandatory – Tomezone of the meeting, you can change the default value that appears selected in the tab “My profile”.
  • Patient – Mandatory – Select the patient with whom you will have the meeting. Only those patients who selected you as their trusted professional appear on this list.

Once the form is completed and sent, you will be informed if the meeting could be scheduled. And the patient will be informed by mail of this meeting.


You can use the other tools on the top bar to filter or search your meetings.

You can filter by patient or meeting status. You can also perform a search.

In the list of meetings there are some options for each meeting. 

  • Start meeting: To start the selected meeting. This button launches the Zoom plugin integrated to our website.
  • End meeting: You will be able to mark a meeting as over when this happens. 
  • Cancel meeting: You can cancel a meeting whenever you want, clicking on this option will open a modal that will ask you to write the reason for canceling the meeting. This reason will be informed to the patient.
  • Delete meeting: It can only be applied when the meeting was canceled or ended.

To remove authorization click the “Disconnect” button on the toolbar.

After verifying that you really want to remove the authorization, the page will reload and you will no longer be able to manage your meetings. If you want to re-authorize just click the “Authenticate to Zoom” button.

If you have doubts please contact our support.