vivo labs

Genetic DAO Deficiency

Technical webinar on AOC1 gene analysis – Exclusive for healthcare professionals at the Institute

Pedro Campos, PhD, Director of Laboratory at VivoLabs, has provided a technical training session on the genetic foundations and interpretation of genetic studies related to AOC1 gene variants, which are associated with DAO enzyme activity. The session has also covered the latest advancements and current directions in research within this field.

dr muriillo

Postgraduate Course in Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition organised by Prof. Murilo Pereira

December 7th, Brasília

On December 7th, Adriana Duelo, will participate in the Posgraduate in Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition hosted by Prof. Murilo Pereira in Brazil. The attendees will receive practical tools to identify cases of DAO deficiency in their clinical practice and receive guidance on dietary management for these cases.

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VIII Workshop Institut de Recerca en Nutrició i Seguretat Alimentària de la Universidad de Barcelona

DAO deficiency and pregnancy

Today, Friday, November 15, Adriana Duelo will present new findings from the recent study analyzing the evolution of symptoms and DAO enzyme activity in pregnant women. The presentation will take place at the INSA-UB Workshop, held at the Torribera Food Campus in Barcelona.

agrupación pacientes histaminosis argentina

Histaminosis interdisciplinary Workshop

November 14, La Plata, Argentina

The Agrupación de Pacientes con Histaminosis Alimentaria from Argentina, in collaboration with the Allergy Department of San Juan de Dios Hospital in La Plata (Buenos Aires) has organized a workshop on histamine accumulation, DAO deficiency and its diagnosis. The workshop it’s scheduled for Thursday, November 14 in-person, and it has been designed for hospital physicians and patients. It will be moderated by Dr. Pablo Benítez.

def DAO y salud digestiva

Continuous Taining

DAO Deficiency and Digestive Health

This November, members of the International Institute of DAO Deficiency (IDAO) will receive ongoing training focused on the treatment of digestive pathology and DAO deficiency. Advanced groups will participate in a webinar on supplementation protocols for the treatment of DAO deficiency in different types of SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), led by Adriana Duelo, director of the IDAO. Meanwhile, newly joined professionals at the Institute will have access to a webinar on the therapeutic approach to DAO deficiency in the presence of various digestive pathologies, presented by Sara Sánchez, clinical nutritionist and member of the IDAO’s core team.


III FINUT Congress 2024

October 24-26, Medellín, Colombia

The International Institute of DAO Deficiency will be present at the III FINUT Conference (Ibero-American Nutrition Foundation), which will take place this week in Medellín, Colombia. We are participating by presenting a poster on a study we are conducting in collaboration with the University of Barcelona to examine the evolution of symptoms and DAO enzyme activity in pregnant women with symptoms associated with excess histamine.


Licenses in DAO Deficiency - October 2024

14 New Professionals from 7 Countries Join the Institute

The International Institute of DAO Deficiency is pleased to announce that it will expand its international presence through a new edition of the License Program starting this October. Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and Uzbekistan are the countries that will expand their roster of professionals or welcome specialists in DAO deficiency for the first time. These professionals will receive continuous monthly training, among other services, to provide the best care for their patients.


NUTRIEXPO 2024 Barcelona 4-6 October

The International Institute of DAO deficiency will be part of NUTRIEXPO 2024

The Institute will be participating in NUTRIEXPO, the first congress for innovation, professional nutrition, and commercial exhibitions. You will find us at stands 17 and 19. Come and visit to learn more about our exclusive program designed for registered dietitians, medical doctors, and psychologists. Don’t miss Adriana Duelo’s presentation on Saturday, October 5th at 13h. Sing in for free here.



DAO enzyme supplement

DAO enzyme sources and their activities Webinar. Exclusive for healthcare professionals from the Institute.

The Institute received a continuous improvement training from Dr. Jaume Bori and Lic. Marc Alemany (DR Healthcare R+D) on the various sources of DAO enzyme, current legislation, and key factors to consider when selecting a supplement with the highest possible activity.

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DAO deficiency and mycotherapy

Mycotherapy Webminar. Exclusive for healthcare professionals from the Institute.

On September the 13, Institute will receive a webminar on mycotherapy led by Porf.  Roberto Gorostiaga, head of the Biomedical Department at Integrative Mycomedicine Association (IMMA) and Biomedical Advisor at Hifas da Terra. The webinar will cover the application of mycotherapy in various contexts, with a special focus on patients with DAO deficiency.